Thursday 9 June 2016

The King: Lebron James

By the end of his career, Lebron James, a.k.a King James, will probably be considered the second best player ever, maybe even the first depending on who you ask. Very few guys have been as dominant as Lebron has his entire career. His freakish athleticism, superhuman build and insane basketball IQ is the perfect blend for an all time great.

Lebron was born and raised in Akron Ohio to a single mother. He grew up very poor and as a child one of the only toys he had was a little tykes toy basketball hoop, which got him started on the sport. As he got older, it was clear he had a gift, and his mother got him involved in organized basketball. By the time he hit high school, Lebron was a household name in the states. His high school were broadcast on ESPN to millions, tens of thousands of fans showed up to his games, every sports agent in the country was after him and every college offered him a lot under the table (probably).

Ultimately, Lebron skipped college and went straight to the NBA. He was drafted 1st overall by his hometown Cleveland Cavaliers in 2003, and he immediately was an impact player in the NBA. Despite being one of the best players on the planet, Lebron's teams in Cleveland were not very good. They made the playoffs every year, but that's because he basically dragged them there.  In 2007 he dragged his team to the finals, where they were swept by the Spurs. In 2009, he won his first MVP award.

During the 2010 offseason, Lebron was a free agent for the first time, and, frustrated with losing, pondered leaving Cleveland. In a highly scrutinized idea, Lebron held an hour long TV special called 'The Decision' where he announced his intention to join the Miami Heat at the end. Many thought this was unnecessary, egotistical and simply cruel to Cavs fans.

With the Heat, Lebron joined perennial All Star Dwyane Wade, and another perennial All Star in Chris Bosh joined the team quickly afterwards. In Miami, Lebron would win two NBA Championships.

In 2015, Lebron left Miami to return to Cleveland, embarrassing all the Cavs fans that burned his jersey.

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